Army Fire Fighting Platoons
Fire Fighting Platoon Photo Album 1
Members of the 1241st Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon, the 1241st were attached to the 78th Infantry Division and are
pictured in Berlin during the summer of 1945.  The 1241st operated 7 fire stations in postwar Berlin, pictured is
Station 9 at Schoneberg.  Behind of the wheel of the Class 325 pumper (and other photos as well) is Norman Earl
Painter, a member of the platoon.  Norman went on to serve with the 7th Infantry Division in Korea and was killed in
March 1951.  Thanks to his nephew Tom for sending in the photos.
Corporal Harry B. Fyffe
1991st EAFFP
Members and equipment of the 1991st Engineer
Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon pictured in North Africa.
Our friend Jim Davis, member of
the 1204th EFFP pictured in Paris,
Aug 1945
My friend Jim Davis served with the 1204th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon during WWII.  Jim is pictured in the
center of the left hand picture taken in Heidelberg, Germany, September 1945.  The right photo show the firefighters
inspecting their newly delivered Class 325 fire trucks.  Thanks to Jim Davis for use of his photos.
Fire Fighters from the 2110th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon with their Class 135 Crash Truck.  The 2110th
was stationed at Thorpe Abbotts, England from April 44 - December 44 and assigned to the 8th Army Air Force.  
Unlike many FFPs, this unit appears to have been issued turnout coats and fireman boots.
In these"Snap Shots" back in time we see the members and fire apparatus from the 2101st Engineer Aviation Fire
Fighting Platoon at Wendling Airbase, England.  At this time, July 1944, the 2101st was attached to the 392nd Bomb
Group, 8th Army Air Force.  The 2101st maintained a fire station on the flight line and a station at the main base
(pictured).  Fire fighters lived in a building next to the main base station.  Commanding Officer was Captain Albert E.
Rossiter, pictured above.  I would like to thank Annette Tison and Ben Jones from the 392nd Bomb Group research
team for supplying information and pictures of the 2101st EAFFP. archives
Unnamed GI from the 1216th Engineer Fire
Fighting Platoon, Liege, Belgium, October 44
Members of the 2791th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon, Erlangen, Deutschland, 1945
Fire Equipment from the 1201 Engineer Fire
Fighting Platoon, Naples Italy, 1945.  Rigs, L to R,
Lt Burn's Jeep, Ford-Hahn Class 325, Chev-Oren
Class 325, Chev-General Detroit Class 325, and
CCKW water tanker.
Firefighters from the 2034th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon at
Framlington Airfield, England.
The truck, 1943 Ford 4x2 - Oren, Class 135, USA 506165
2791st Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon
Members of the 2017th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting
Platoon standby during flight operations at Honnington
Field, England.  Rigs are 1943 Ford-Approved, Class 135
crash trucks, USA 504426 and 504433.
T/5 Mark West served with the 1216th EFFP.  Mark was a
FDNY Firefighter before and after his service with the Army.
Photo sent in by Mark's daughter Heidi and she is looking
for more info on the 1216th.
Robert T. Burns served as the Commanding
Officer of the 1201st Engineer Fire Fighting
Platoon in North Africa and Italy during
WWII.  After the war he served with the
Philadelphia Fire Dept and attained the rank
of Battalion Chief.  Chief Burns passed away
in 1989
Several the members of the 1216th
Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon. Mark
West, second from right, bottom row.  
Curtis Volkamer is pictured left on the
bottom row.  Spring 1945
T/5 James Flinchun
2026th Engineer Aviation FFP
Pvt Ted R. Bunalski
KIA 1 June 1943
2033rd EAFFP
Robert Beebe (seated on right bumper) and
members of the 1989th EAFFP.
Italy, 1945
Original class 335 built by the members of the 1208th
Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon, Sicily, Nov 1943
The 1208th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon, Sickenheim,
Germany, May 1945.  Fire Station located in old Brewery.
Lt. Orval V. Sawyer
1250th EFFP
Lt. Arnold E. Dreager
Commander 2097 EAFFP
photo from the 303rd
PFC James Blevins
2026th Engineer Aviation FFP
2026th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon,
France 1944
James Flinchum, bottom row, 1st soldier from left
James Blevins, middle row, 2nd from right
We heard from John Blevins, son of James Blevins, who was a firefighter with the 2026th Engineer Aviation Fire
Fighting Platoon.  The 2026th served at Boxed AF in England and went ashore on Omaha Beach D-Day +3.  The 2026th
was assigned to the 354th Mustang Group.  Members of the 2026th were awarded the Soldiers Medal for their brave
actions in combating a fire at the fuel dump near Longeuville, France, 23 July 1944.  We want to thank John for sending
along pictures of the platoon members, information, and the documents relating to his father being awarded the Soldiers
Medal.   We are proud to include the information on PFC James Blevins to our archives.   James passed away in 1980 at
age 56 and we THANK him for his service to our country.

Several years ago John Blevins had a chance to meet James Flinchum, another 2026th platoon member and was able
to gain information on his fathers fire fighting experience during the war.  The group picture above was given to John by
Mr Flinchum at the meeting.  We also extend our THANKS to T/5 James Flinchum for his service to our country during
WWII.  To read more about Mr Flinchums experiences with the 2026th click here:
2026th EAFFP Members
Henderson, Miller, Love
2026th EAFFP Members
James Blevins, James Flinchum, James Love, Ansil Burchfield
Richard Jones
PFC James Blevins
2026 EAFFP
2026th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon
2101st Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon
1241st Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon
Lt. Clyde K Harris
1229th EFFP
Members of the 2085th Engineer Aviation
Fire Fighting Platoon
India, 1944
Members of the 3128th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon
Fort Lewis, WA 1944
1st Lt. Lawrence E. Croup Commanding Officer of the 1204th Engineer Fire
Fighting Platoon
Pictured on left in front of unit fire station in Naples, Italy 1943 and being
awarded the Bronze Star at Heidelberg, Germany, 5 Sept 1945
Our thanks to Lt. Croup for sending the photos along to us.
1204th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon
Several members of the 1201st EFFP pictured in
Oran, Algeria
Jan 1945 before deploying to Italy (12 Jan 45)
Truck is a 1942 Ford-Hahn Class 325 USA 503071
Firefighting training grounds, Lake Avernus, Naples, Italy, 1945
Class 325 from the 1201st EFFP USA 508314, Chev-Oren
Lake Avernus is a volcanic crater near Naples
2029th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon
1st Lt. Frank O. Ezell
Commanding Officer
2029th EAFFP
1st Lt. Frank O. Ezell entered the US Army on 7 April 1942 and on 14 July 1943 was assigned to the 2029th
Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon at Harding Field, LA.  After firefighting training at Camp Pontchartrain, LA
the 2029th departed the US arrivng in Scotland 15 October 1943 aboard the Queen Mary.  Lt. Ezell led the 2029th
serving in England, France, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany.  We want to thank Lt. Ezell's son, Frank Jr. for
sending along these photos of his dad and the members of the 2029th.  We are honored to include them on our
website.  Sadly, Lt. Ezell passed  6 August 2009 and we express our to condolences to Frank Jr and his family
Lt. Ezell (center) and members of the 2029th
Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon
1st Lt. Frank O. Ezell
1201st Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon
1216th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon
1944 Chev-Darley Class 325 USA 508803
1218th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon
Ernest Garrett served with the 1218th Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon and his daughter Darlene Townsley has
send along photos from her dads photo album.  The photos show the platoon in Antwerp, Belgium, just days after
the war in Europe ended,  Ernest can be seen in the middle photo standing near the Class 325s drivers door
behind the GI's holding the "VICTORY" headlined newspaper.  Truck is a Class 325 USA 507386, built by  
Chev-Central Fire Trucks.   Many thanks to Darlene for sending the photos along.  Additional pictures from the
album can be seen by clicking this link.
Sgt Curtis Volkamer served with the 1216th EFFP and his grandson Stephen sent along these photos.  Mr Volkamer
was hired as a probabationary firefighter in 1935 and rose through the ranks of the Chicago Fire Department to
become Chief Fire Marshal in 1966.  Stationed  with the 1216th EFFP during WWII he received the Purple Heart and
Bonze Star for his U.S. Army Service.
Chief Volkamer passed in October 1997.
My thanks to Stephen for sending along the photos and information.
Curtis Volkamer kneeling with other
platoon members
Sgt Volkamer pictured with
platoon members
Curtis Volkamer, center, bottom row.
T/5 Robert D. Nolan
2085th EAFFP
2085th EAFFP Training
The Company Commander of the 2085th EAFFP, 1st Lt. Archie Dubuque designed
and directed the building of these Weapons Carrier Fire Trucks.
Fire Shed for the 2085th EAFFP
Rigs include Weapons Carrier fire trucks
and Ford Class 135 Crash Truck.
The 2085th may have been one of
the only Army Fire Units to use the
Class 155 Crash Truck overseas
during WWII.
Our thanks to Robert D. Nolan of the 2085th EAFFP and his son Rob for
sending along these great photos from the 2085th EAFFP.

A special "Thank You" to T/5 Nolan for his service to our country during WWII.
Crash Truck equipped with
Class 1010 pump.
Pumper equipped with Class 1000
fire pump.
The "gang" with Class 135 Crash Truck
2085th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon
Bertram R. Skiles
2005th EAFFP
2005th Engineer Aviation Fire Fighting Platoon
Bertram Skiles with some
members of the 2005th EAFFP
2029th EAFFP
Leroy Moorehead from the 2029th EAFFP served
with the Athens, GA, Fire Department before
entering the Army.  Pictured here is Leroy with
his wife Nell, 1938.
Our thanks to Leroys grandaughter Michelle for
sending the photo along.
SGT Leroy Moorehead
Platoon members, 1202nd
SSGT Ben K Green, 36 Division,  left
with members of the 1202nd EFFP.
Italy, May 44
Drying hose
14 May 44, Italy
Italian firefighting platoon members
assigned to the 1202nd, Italy
Ford-Hahn Class 325 fire truck
1202nd Engineer Fire Fighting Platoon